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Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Protocol for HMS and HSDM Students

Dental and medical students who may have been exposed to pathogens via body fluid exposure should:
First – Attend to the injury
For example, if there is a wound from a sharp object, wash it with soap and water and apply direct pressure if it is bleeding. If clothing is contaminated from a chemical, biological, or radiation spill, remove it and wash the exposed area. Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available when laboratory reagents and chemicals are used and may be a useful resource for immediate care. Be sure to inform your supervisor of the injury.
Second – Seek immediate medical attention at your clinical site
Your PCE or clinical supervisor has given you specific instructions for your site. If in doubt, you can also find the hospital-specific contact numbers for our 20 clinical sites below.
Note, when seeking immediate care in a hospital emergency department, medical and dental students should register using their Harvard University Student Health Program (HUSHP) Student Health Insurance Plan or other insurance. Do not register in the hospital emergency department as a hospital employee, or you may be subject to higher bills than the copayment required by HUSHP or your other insurance.
Third – Plan any follow-up care with your primary care physician or their designee at HUHS within 48 hours
During weekdays, 9:00am-5:00pm, call the Medical Area Clinic at (617) 432-1370. After hours, on weekends, and on holidays, call HUHS Urgent Care at (617) 495-5711.
If you would like additional procedural advice, please call (617) 384-STIK (7845). This is a recorded message containing the pager number of the HUHS on-call physician. You may page the physician for procedural advice about the exposure and follow-up care rather than for medical advice.
Immediate Needlestick Care at HMS Clinical Sites
HMS Clinical Locations Information
Harvard University Health Services
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm: Medical Area Health Services (617) 432-1370
24/7 Urgent Care, Smith Campus Center (617) 495-5711
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-3:30pm: Employee Health Service (617) 632-0710
All other times: Emergency Department (617) 667-7000
Call Infection Control (617) 667-2249 or Employee Health (617) 632-0710 with any questions.
Boston Children’s Hospital
For exposure to blood/body fluids: Contact an Occupational Health Service provider or Infectious Disease attending physician, through the hospital paging system, to evaluate the exposure (617) 355-7243 to access page. At the voice prompt, dial the mnemonic STIK (7845).
For communicable disease exposure at Children’s Hospital, contact an Occupation Health Service provider (617) 355-7580 or the Infection Control Department (617) 355-6932 or (617) 355-7412. The infection control on-call beeper is (617) 355-6369.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm: Occupational Health Department (617) 732-8501
All other times: Emergency Department (617) 732-5636
Brockton VA Medical Center
24 hours: Emergency Department at (508) 583-4500 ext. 62315
Questions: Contact the Infectious Disease staff physician through the West Roxbury VA operator
Cambridge Health Alliance
Call Cambridge Health Alliance Occupational Health at (617) 591-4660 to report the needlestick and to ensure follow-up oversight occurs.
Monday through Friday, daytime Occupational Health personnel will guide the response. After hours, nights, and weekends, you will be directed to the nearest Cambridge Health Alliance emergency department.
- Cambridge Hospital Emergency Department (617) 665-1430
- Somerville Hospital Emergency Department (617) 591-4700
- Whidden Hospital Emergency Department (617) 381-7150
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM: The Occupational Health Service (617) 632-3016
All other times: Page STIK pager, dial (617) 632-2337, enter ID# 47845, enter your 10-digit call-back number. If no answer in 5 minutes, call page operator (617) 632-3352 and ask for PEP MD on-call.
Emerson Hospital
Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm: Employee Health (978) 287-3075
All other times: Emergency Department (978) 287-3690
Faulkner Hospital
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm: Ambulatory/Employee Health (617) 983-7845
All other times: Emergency Department (617) 983-7700
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm: Immediately report the incident to the Office of Clinical Affairs (617) 432-4257, then call the Medical Area Health Service (617) 432-1370
All other times: HUHS After Hours Urgent Care Clinic, Smith Campus Center (617) 495-5711
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
The student should immediately report the exposure to the Supervisor of the department where the incident occurred, or if the Supervisor is unavailable, go directly to Urgent Care.
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm: Employee Health (781) 744-8796
Evenings and weekends: Emergency Department (781) 273-8100
For any eye splash, go immediately to the Emergency Department
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
24 hours: Emergency Department (508) 693-0410 ext. 277)
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-3:30pm: Go to the Department Manager for the incident report (Needlestick Mucous Membrane Form) and further directions. If the Manager is not available, report to the Emergency Department.
Evenings, weekends, and holidays: Page the Nursing Supervisor through the Hospital Operator for further directions.
For any Eye Splash, go immediately to the MEEI Emergency Department, 24 hours/day.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm: Occupation Health, Clinic 3, (617) 726-2217
Weekends, evening, and holidays: Occupational Health on-call nurse, Clinic 3, (617) 726-2217
For any eye splash, go immediately to MEEI Emergency Department, 24 hours/day.
Massachusetts Mental Health Center
24 hours: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, East Campus Emergency Department (617) 667-7000
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm: New England Baptist Occupational Medicine Center (617) 754-5620
Mount Auburn Hospital
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-7:00pm: Walk-In Clinic (617) 499-5065
Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm: Walk-In Clinic (617) 499-5065
All other times: Emergency Department (617) 499-5025
McLean Hospital
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm: Walk-In Clinic (617) 499-5065
Evenings, weekends, and holidays: Page MDOC through the operator
Questions: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm, Infection Control Nurse (617) 855-3258
New England Baptist Hospital
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm: Occupational Medicine (617) 754-5620
All other times: Ambulatory Services (617) 754-5533
West Roxbury VA Medical Center
24 hours: Emergency Department (617) 323-7700, ext. 35425
Questions: Call the Infectious Diseases staff physician through the operator