Ways to Make an Appointment:
Scheduling by Phone
Call the department where you would like an appointment or contact your provider.
Scheduling Through the Patient Portal
Log into the Patient Portal to see available appointments or to secure message your care team.
Appointment Information:
Interpreter Services
Harvard University Health Services can arrange for an interpreter during your appointment. Please make your request when you schedule your appointment.
Missed Appointments
If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance by either canceling through the patient portal or by calling the department where you were scheduled to be seen. If you don’t cancel 24 hours in advance, there will be a $25 missed appointment fee issued to your term bill or billed to your home address.
Masking at HUHS
Medical Notes for Students Missing Class
In order to preserve the valuable HUHS appointment times that could be used for those in need of clinical services, students are no longer required to submit an excused absence letter from an HUHS clinician for classes.
- Given this update, if a student feels well and does not need medical care, they should not make an appointment with HUHS solely to obtain an excused absence letter.
- Students should instead email their instructor that they are unable to attend class, copying their Resident Dean. If concerns exist about the excused absence, the Resident Dean will raise them directly with the student.
- Per the Harvard College Student Handbook, if a student misses a final exam for medical reasons, the student is still required to show a doctor’s note.