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Summer School Programs

On This Page
Immunization Requirements Summary
This information highlights your immunization requirements to be eligible to register for class.
- Rolling Compliance – Upon matriculation into your program, you will be considered non-compliant until the immunization requirements have been satisfied.
- If you don’t submit documents within 14 days of registering, you are at risk of being dropped from your on-campus courses or housing.
Time Frame for Processing
- You are responsible for knowing the registration deadline for your program/school. Please plan accordingly.
- Immunization documents will need to be verified by HUHS. This may take 10 to 15 business days after you upload your
documents. - HUHS Health Information Services will contact you if you have additional unmet requirements or if your submitted
documents do not meet the requirements.
How to Submit
- You can access the Patient Portal once you have matriculated and have received and claimed your Harvard Key. If you have not claimed your Key, please visit key.harvard.edu. Please allow 3 days after claiming your Key before uploading documents to the HUHS Patient Portal.
- If you have not been assigned a Harvard Key, please contact Enrollment Services at Inquiry@Summer.Harvard.edu or (617) 495-4024. See additional information on the Summer School Contact Us page.
- You must upload all vaccination documents directly to the Patient Portal. Do not email your documentation to us.
- Enter vaccination dates in the portal, in addition to uploading the supporting documentation.
Requirements for Uploads
- Documents must be in English.
- Documents must include your, date of birth, date of vaccination, and name of vaccine given.
- The Immunization History Form must include the signature of your healthcare provider. The provider’s professional signature stamp at the bottom is required. Official hospital or office documentation completed by your provider can be submitted in lieu of the Immunization History Form.
Where to Get Your Immunizations
- You should receive your required immunizations before you arrive at Harvard.
- Many private health insurance plans cover the cost of immunizations.
- If you are unable to obtain these prior to your arrival on campus, you may arrange to get immunizations at various
locations in the area. - Please note that your health insurance plan might not pay for immunizations you receive, and you are responsible for
the cost of the immunizations.
Additional Questions?
If contacting us via email, please include your full name, your school, and your Harvard ID number in the email message.
Student Immunization Checklist
Forms | Actions | Status |
Immunization Requirement Summary | General information for immunization compliance | Read |
List of Required Vaccinations | Informational | Read |
Immunization History Form AND Summer School Medical History and Consent Form | Bring the Immunization Requirements and Immunization History forms to your health provider. Summer School Medical History and Consent Form to be completed by student or parent/guardian. Required for all Summer School students. Upon completion, upload the provider-signed Immunization History Form and Summer School Medical History and Consent Form to the Patient Portal. Enter all immunization dates within the “Medical Clearances” section of the Patient Portal. Upload supporting vaccine documentation into the Patient Portal. OR If you have immunization documents from your provider’s office, hospital, or other official documents, you can upload them and enter the immunization dates in lieu of having your provider complete the Immunization History Form. Your documentation must be in English. | Enter your immunization information into the HUHS Patient Portal. Upload your required documents to the HUHS Patient Portal. |
Tuberculosis Screening | Upon completion, upload a provider-signed document to the HUHS Patient Portal. Recommended but not required. | |
Harvard University Authorization to Treat a Minor Form – MINOR STUDENTS ONLY | Authorization Form can be found on the homepage of the HUHS Patient Portal, to be completed electronically. This is a compliance requirement for minor students, under 18 years old. | Authorization Form completed electronically on the HUHS Patient Portal. |
Profile | The Profile can be found on the homepage of the HUHS Patient Portal, to be completed electronically. Recommended but not required. | Profile completed on the HUHS Patient Portal. |
Meningococcal Fact Sheet & Waiver | Informational; waiver to be completed, if applicable. | Submit only if you are seeking a waiver. |
MIIS Information Sheet | Informational only. | Read the page. |
Please Note: Immunization verification can take a minimum of 10 – 15 business days to process and clear for registration.
Log into the HUHS Patient Portal to check the status of your submission.